This week I received the PDA TM4301 module that I ordered and hooked it up the board. Here's what it looks like with the qt5 demo:
To get to this point, I had to reprogram the board with the .dtb which was configured to use the PDA display. In the demo_linux_nandflash.tcl file, I had to change the entry:
## board variant
set boardFamily "at91-sama5d4"
set board_suffix "_xplained"
## board variant
set boardFamily "at91-sama5d4"
set board_suffix "_xplained_pda4"
and then re-run SAM-ba to reprogram the board. At this point, the touchscreen isn't functional.
I'm also having issues with building QT applications using the Poky SDK. There is apparently something missing to make it all work.