Well over the past few weeks I've been a busy little beaver. It's been 12 years since I practiced electronics as a profession and with a few trips to radio shack I have started to build up a supply of parts and components that bring back fond memories.
1st shopping spree - UNO and a few boxes of components.. few late nights lots of fun.... plenty of project ideas (quickly finding the limits to my knowledge)
2nd shopping spree- Yun and more parts lots more fun adc experimenting (more ideas relearning long forgotten laws... remembered how I melted a 555 making a speaker scream (melted another 555 just to make sure)
3Rd shopping spree- Tft touch shield and a BBB (radio shacks barn burner sales) hard to pass on 50 percent off. Lots more fun Really impressed with the BBB (huge learning curve with the hardware documentation is not as easily located) the hardware is also not as simple to work with. Seems to have the ability to do way more once I've got the mechanics down.
With the community as big as it is and the resources available I'm sure that will be sooner then later. The biggest challenge is figuring out where to start and which project to run with.
HF transceiver DSP/FPGA minimal traditional circuitry.
Blog Entry Number 2:
I have spent alot more time with the BBB it has become the equivelent of Crack.. I must make it do what I want. Granted it's not that i will die trying, The worse that happens is i'm out 24 dollars and Ill have learned that i need something else to do what i want..
I have opted for building an HF transciever. It took me all of about 4 hours to make a home arcade machine.. Was a fun intro into madness.
HF Reciever Part 1:
Concept : Use the BBB Yun and UNO to make a reciever:
Implementation? :
Step one Variable Oscilator:
Use the BBB as variable oscilator The pru should be able to generate between 1hz and 100 MHZ with little issue. Results too follow