I needed a bench vice to hold my soldering iron when making up audio cables and to hold parts while I work on them My bench top is made from 3 inch thick solid yellow pine so a clamp fixing vice is out of the question I bought a MODELCRAFT PVC7012PVC7012 suction fix vice I recommend getting it from CPC rather than Farnell(same parent company as it is much cheaper there It will not suction clamp to the wooden bench top as the bench is too rough but it has enough weight and a nice big base that it is quite stable without being sucked down I can put it anywhere on the bench It comes with rubber jaw pieces which are good for delicate parts inc PCB's The ball and socket mount lets you set it at any angle and clamp it there with the big metal hand wheel that works really well I love it and would recommend it to anyone For just£20.36 plus VAT it is brilliant