Thank you, Mr. Mike Conners, for posting where to find the recent info about STM32 for Dummies which can be found at It shall be like a Golden Compass unto me.
I will start immediately to consume and digest its contents so that I may be well equipped to give a fair and balanced evaluation for the road test of the STM32F4-Discovery microcontroller board complete with the expansion kit that includes a camera, touchscreen, and base board complete with network support. If you want to read a very complete RT review on it please see the relevant blogs filed by Mr. Nico teWinkel.
The other road test review that I am working on is the Eaton PLU brought to element14 by Mr. Edward Ku and Mr.Sagar Jethani. I am very impressed with how user friendly the software provided makes the product. Lots more to follow on this.
I had a very wonderful real life road test experience yesterday, 21 April 2013. I balanced and road on my new bicycle, a 2004 Vision R40 USS SWB recumbent, for about 20 feet.