Just a quick follow up note for folks not following the Main Raspberry Pi Site - we have a certified unit.
Will follow up with more info later on - but Liz n Eben have put together the salient points plus some of the insanity with some of the supporting kit.
Eben also tells me that I'm a "glass half empty sort of guy (probably with a leak) ", but as those have you who have been there know - it's not over till it's over, or more precisely " it's not over until it's under [the limit line]".
Thanks to Jimmy at Gainspeed and the Lab at Panasonic in South Wales and all their team for putting up with us, (well Eben) all week. Also to Gethin at Pinpoint Scientific for letting us in on his many valuable contacts which included Jimmy.
Off to the pub for a pint or 3.