Step 1: Getting Raspberry pi IP Address:
To begin with the project, one will need to know the IP address the raspberry pi. In order to do so connect your raspberry pi with the LCD and, type ifconfig or hostname-I in the terminal window.
Note: Only for this particular section any external display is used like LCD, else for whole of the project smartphone (Android Phone) will be used.
Step 2: Connecting Pi with Phone (Setting up SSH client)
SSH (Secure Socket Shell) is a protocol to access Raspberry Pi with any device. For this project Serverauditor is used that can be downloaded from the Android play store for free. It’s also available for iOS devices.
Steps to install Serverauditor on Phone:
Step 2.1: When you first start the application click on the plus button present on the bottom left of the screen, and then choose the New Host.
Step 2.2: Enter the following Details:
Alias: Any name is acceptable
Username: pi
Hostname: Your Raspberry Pi IP address (From Step 1)
Password: raspberry
The other fields can be left blanks, then tap the check mark on the top right. After that, click one Connect when asked “If you really want to connect your device”
Note: that Username and Password are those of Raspberry Pi. If one has changed it from default ones, one need to enter the current username and password.
You now have raspberry pi console line on your screen.
Step 3: Install & set up VNC server on Raspberry Pi
As now you have SSH, you can do this either on Raspberry Pi console i.e. on your tablet/smartphone. For sure you can do this by connecting your Raspberry Pi with a PC monitor and opening a console line.
Enter the following commands in order.
Step 3.1: Install TightVNC package
sudo apt-get install tightvncserver
Step 3.2: Run TightVNC Server
You will be asked to enter a password and an optional view-only password.
Step 3.3: Create a script file to start the VNC server.
open text editor:
Put the following script in it:
vncserver :1 -geometry 1920×1080 -depth 24 -dpi 96
“Ctrl+O” to save the file. The extension should be “.sh”. I named it “”. Then, “Ctrl+X” to exit the editor.
Then make the file executable.
sudo chmod +x
With this file, you can start VNC server from your tablet/smartphone by sending a command via SSH:
Step 4: Install & set up VNC viewer on your tablet/smartphone:
Download and install Real VNC from android store for free.
Setting up Real VNC:
Enter Raspberry Pi IP address followed by “:1” which means display number 1.
Also one needs to enter the VNC server password that you created in that was created in Step 3.2.
Now you are ready