Well, here it rolls around again - but it's my first time! As a long term resident of Harwin plc, it's actually quite surprising that I haven't made it to one of these shows before (various reasons too long and boring to recount here). But this year I am definitely going - and doing it in style!
I don't want to give too much away, but I will have my own little Live Help area on the stand - I do hope if you are attending the show you will come and introduce yourself! And of course, as you can see from the banner above, we are offering a little incentive for doing so...
We will be showcasing our most popular ranges (Datamate, Ez-BoardWare, Archer), and will also have some new launches at the show that we are quite excited about.
Anyway, can't sit here and blog all day - I've got Product Display stands to complete! So much to do, and the clock keeps ticking...
Thanks for reading!