I have just signed up for this course, sounds pretty interesting to me and it might always highlight something useful, you never know. I have ordered a dev board, the Texas Instruments Tiva C LaunchPad which is an eval board with an ARM Cortex processor, (Cortex-M4F). I have a lot of the other bits so I have not had to order a full kit, I am sure most of you will be the same, but for beginners out there is a nice kit that has all you need. Course starts 22nd Jan 21:00 GMT, (I know we should be calling it UTC now but is it really universal? Don't think so! )
Might post a few bits as I go along with the 15 week course showing what the course is all about, thanks to element14 for the heads up on the edX course.
Have a loom at the element14 page if you have not seen it yet