I recently completed a survey sent to me by Fluke and at the end had the option to enter a prize draw with the ability to select the preferred prize.
Some of the prizes were meters, but they also offered their Calibration: Philosophy in Practice book as an alternative, so I decided to put my name in the hat for that and to my pleasant surprise won it. Delivery was only a few days from Netherlands to UK.
Looks like the book is going to take a while to get through with 34 chapters over 528 pages covering many aspects of instrument calibration, from the instruments and standards used, measurement techniques and setting up a laboratory. More likely to be an ongoing reference manual.
I don't think I will ever get to the stage of setting up a laboratory or even owning a multifunction calibrator, but the sections covering the measurement techniques and errors encountered will be very useful for me when I go about verifying some of my own instruments.
So thanks flukeltd for sending the prize through.
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