Dear Professor(s) ,
(1) Invitation to Editorial Advisory Board (EAB)
I trust this e-mail finds you well. I am contacting you based on your expertise in Internet of Things and Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). Currently, I am in the process of editing “FPGA Algorithms and Applications in the IoT, AI, and High-Performance Computing” to be published by IGI Global ( scheduled for release in 2019. In order to strengthen the overall quality of this important publication, I am in the process of organizing an Editorial Advisory Board for this valuable reference and, based on your impressive research records, I would like to invite you to join this Board.
As a member of the Board, you would be asked to assist me with the process by reviewing proposals, conducting reviews of those manuscripts for which I need a reviewer, and assisting me with submission cases where conflicting reviews exist. Please keep in mind that we also will be arranging for a double-blind review process between authors to evaluate the submissions for this book.
In addition to supporting the review process, you would also be asked to write testimonial statements in support of this book. I would also welcome any suggestions you might have regarding appropriate organizations or publications that may be interested in reviewing the completed publication.
Please email me at regarding the Editorial Advisory Board (EAB)
(2) Call for Chapter
You are also invited to contribute a chapter to this book “FPGA Algorithms and Applications in the IoT, AI, and High-Performance Computing”. Here is the link on submitting Chapter Proposal
If this invitation is agreeable to you and does not conflict with your current professional and research interests, please let me know as soon as possible. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this matter. I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Best wishes,
Ir Dr. Daniel Ng
FPGA Algorithms and Applications in the IoT, AI, and High-Performance Computing
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