We have a lot to take from the digital media around us. But process of taking or giving things to the digital world through keyboard or mouse may not be the only way from today. Gestures have made it easy, we grew up interacting with the physical objects around us so rather than using a keyboard and mouse why can we not use gestures, like how we do to interact in the physical world.
HP Labs INDIA has come up with the same motto to form personalized Video. Videos have become the main resource in learning and educating one self for various purposes, today one would learn or understand things in a much faster and easily way by watching a video. Hence HP Labs India have created platform where one can Personalize a Video and interact with it using Gestures. One can personalize his videos by creating his own channels like Cars, Helicopters etc and when doing so the application sources all the related videos from around the wed and stores it onto the system under the user created Channel. Doing so, will allow the user to watch them offline.
These videos can then be selected, viewed/played, expanded, shrink and stopped using the related Hand Gestures. The hand gestures are synced with the voice which are recognized through the microphone and using the information from both the inputs (gesture and microphone) a related operation is done on the selected video.
This comes very handy when specially one is not willing to touch or taps the keys or the mouse buttons to get the work done. So all that one will have to do is to SHAKE a BIT to get done with a LOT OF WORK.