Thanks to my lovely Roku, I kicked back on my couch tonight and watched the amazing project demos on YouTube and Vimeo from the Great Global Hackerspace Challenge teams. I'd like to share some of the amazing highlights.
Absolutely brilliant & cute! BuildBrighton's Phonicubes Prototype demo:
Had a total "WOW!" moment when I realized the Feltronics on the whiteboard was a radio transmitter! Brilliant work by Hackerspace Charlotte!
Amazing robotics project from Artisans' Asylum in Boston. It's like a 21st century version of LOGO!
Just a few miles west of my home in Chicago, kids can practice math on the fly with Workshop 88's incredible reconfigurable Educubes:
Investigate biological processes like fermentation with the BioBoard from Noisebridge in San Fransico:
It's like a tangible version of SPICE - the EDUBRM from brmlab in Prague:
The judges are definately gonna have a tough time selecting just 3 finalists. I wish all the teams luck in judging. Personally, I learned alot and enjoyed the experience of being a part of our Pumping Station: One Biosensor Array project. I feel really good that the common sentiment among the teams, including ours, is that even though the challenge deadline has past, we plan on continuing development of our projects.