With internal space at a premium inside the case, I really wanted to etch a custom PCB for this build. Unfortunately, it's really not my forte and I don't have enough time or material to practice. As such, I built the controller board the old-fashioned way: with Bakelite perf board and lots of wires!
This morning, I had a fun conversation with Ben, Karen, Felix, and Max discussing production and expectations from Element 14 should one of us (Shock Slayer, Drew Littrell, Clem Mayer, or myself--at least for this group call) be offered a video gig. Keeping my fingers crossed that the community enjoys my video! I think we all gathered some good advice and insight from the crew, so I'm interested to see how these guys put it to use.
Until today, I had no real idea if my device would work or not. I had to perform quite a bit of modification to the TFT hat that I'm using in order to make it fit inside the case, and I was nervous because there would be no time to get a new screen module before the deadline and I would have to completely start from scratch! Fortunately, after completing all the wiring and soldering the GPIO header to the hat, The system booted up perfectly!
Shouts of joy and sighs of relief.
The controller, screen, and OS installation are complete, now I only need to add audio and power before working on the UX theme.
This is gonna be totally retro-cool!
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