Carbon and non-carbon based lifeforms, hello from Hackerspace Charlotte. We are forty members strong, located in Charlotte, North Carolina. You may know Charlotte as the home of NASCAR, the home of western Carolina BBQ, and as the home of the reigning NFL champion Carolina Panthers. One of those isn't right.
Charlotte is also a surprisingly strong tech city. There is a close-knit culture of technology, innovation, and technological innovation through the Queen City, as the cool kids call it. We at HSC are lucky enough to call forty of the hardest-core digirati members.
HSC is fit into a 1200 square foot space that was formerly the machine repair shop for one of the larger cotton mills that powered the Carolinian economy at the turn of the century; tech is literally soaked into the walls of HSC. No, really, soaked. I spilled some ferrofluid several months back and it's still there. That stuff doesn't come up.
Some of HSC's greatest hits project-wise, aside from our Great Global Hackerspace Challenge entry, are our first Hacker Friday open-house door game, Dry Ice Jenga; and something a few of you may be familiar with, the Cupcake Challenge. Our final device, rare-earth magnets and delicious Belgian chocolate shipped to Revspace in the Netherlands, came in fourth? place after all the judging. Our prototype device was a cupcake made with fifty grams of iron powder and is still stuck magnetically to the ceiling. It's beginning to rust. I'll come back later and make all those links to things you would enjoy looking at.
So that's us. In the future, expect more pictures, videos on the tubeyou, and more of this until they tell me to write something different.
Advantia? No, that's a pill, right? Eh. So it begins.
Max Wallace
Jenifer, HSC