Keeping up with rising data bandwidth and density demands is critical. As a result, OEMs and end users of advanced network architectures and software-defined networking systems are rapidly developing increasingly complex fiber-optic-based system topologies. These next-generation systems mustaddress interconnectintensivetechnologies includingwavelength selective switching (WSS), optical path switching, redundancy and software defined networking/network function virtualization (SDN/NFV) automation. The number of fiber ports at ingress and egress points of the equipmentsub systemsand modules is also an enormous challenge to manage.
Molex addressed these connectivity hurdles with its groundbreaking OptoConnect Custom Optical Enclosures at this year’s SC14. Visitors at the Molex booth came to see howourintegrated FlexPlane circuitry provides a complete end-to-end optical management system for high-density telecom anddatacomequipment. These customized enclosures streamline complex fiber mapping in a clean, manageable and fully tested rack-mountable solution. In addition, a variety of passive and active fiber optic components can be integrated into the fiberrouting addingincreased value and capability to system designers.
We discussed with visitors about how we integrate user-specific passive components (splitters,isolators, taps and monitors) into the optical connection topology as well as opticaladapters such as MPO and LC to offer a complete rack mount solution for the end user.
If you are a developer or end user of telecom and datacomequipmentwith tight-space configurations such as rack-to-rack or inter-equipment where high-density complex optical routing is needed, please visit to learn more about OptoConnect.
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