A quick blog to show what I purchased with my $100, generously donated by jomoenginer for the month of robots project14.
Bottom row is a 400 pin bread board to supplement my existing one, that I usually run out of space on. Next to that is a jumper wire set to use with the bread boards. I have seen a few on the community use these and liked the look of them against my usual method of scrabbling around for a bit of solid core wire.
Top left is a set of needle files to replace my old worn out ones. Top middle is a set of Pro's Kit soldering aids and finally top right is the big spend on a copy of LabView 2014 home bundle, that I have just spent a couple of hours down-loading and installing today and then running the updates.
Once again, many thanks to Jon, these bits should keep me out of mischief for a while.
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