It has been a while since I've had my pi CSI CAM. My original plans are to make somewhat of a baby monitor with the CSI CAM.
I started by messing around with python and point reconition so that way I can take a photo of the baby every day in the same position allowing me to see the growth of the baby but realized that I won't have anything to record since my baby isn't due until December.
I then recived a freedom board from E14 and I thought why not make a soldering video.
I went ahead and set my Pi on my work bench when I came to relized that I didn't have a monitor or a long enough HDMI cable but I came across an old school pair of sony LCD glasses and thought, "RASPI Glasses. AWESOME!"
I started by plugging in the componet cable, booted up, and, to my surprise, I got a visual display and went straight into the desktop.
Thinking back to all of the different mods I can possibly get out of the glasses, I'm going to try and mod the glasses smaller frames,transparency and whatever else I can think of till the baby arrives.
One thing that I learned from taking stills with the CSI CAM to video is that if you wanna take a long video it's easiest to use the "raspivid -t 9999999999 -o movie.h264" command and, when you are done, just ctrl-c out.
You can view one of the videos I took on my blog about soldering headers on the freescale.
Thanks for reading.