Hello again!
We've all been hard at work, pouring over the footage from the last month of visiting several Midwest hackerspaces and makerspaces! Things are looking great, and we're even more excited for our upcoming New York trip on March 10th.
We'd also like to announce a couple of other trips that we have booked for the upcoming months! We'll be visiting Seattle from March 31st through April 4th, and we've purchased our plane tickets for Maker Faire San Mateo! The Seattle area has quite an abundance of hackerspaces (somewhere around 4 or 5), and we're looking forward to seeing how they all communicate and collaborate. Among them, we hope to visit Jigsaw Renaissance, Hackerbot Labs, Metrix Createspace, The Black Lodge, and any other space we encounter! Time will be tight, but we really hope to make it to all of them.
We'll do our best to keep you updated on the New York trip and the Seattle trip!
Happy making!
Jordan Bunker