The computer is built from 70 NPN bipolar transistors.
It has two one bit registers, a 4 x 4 bit ROM, and a two bit counter. The instruction format is as follows:
| Halt | Opcode | Address 1 | Address 2 |
If halt = 1 the instruction is executed and the computer halts.
If the Opcode = 0 the data in address 1 is copied to address 2 (COPY).
If the Opcode = 1 address 1(value) is copied to address 2 (LOAD).
A register = address 0, B register = address 1.
The ROM can hold up to 4 instructions.
Here is a photograph of the computer with labels.
And here is a diagram.
Since there is no I/O it has no practical applications (other then blinking lights)
so I will be constructing a larger two bit computer (just waiting on parts).
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