I recently received my new rev 2 raspberry pi from Element 14. And was totally surprised by the quality and size of the system. Its slightly too big to fit in an Altoids tin but with a few cuts and grinds you can easily (not so) make it fit inside. I was not able to connect it to my monitor through HDMI so I had do go the alternative route and use the RCA out. Luckily my monitor happened to double as a TV so it had both RCA and VGA. While I waited for my VGA to HDMI adapter to come in the mail I was forced to use the RCA with all its blurriness I had lots of problems with rasbian. The windows would open too large for me to be able to see the exit buttons. I think they might have been a good complete monitor length away so I had to drag the window into view to do it. I ended up switching to fedora and found it to be much better, but I currently am switching between distros to find one that suits me the best. When my HDMI to VGA adapter came I had it working in raspbian in short order with a little bit of an edit to the CONFIGURATION.TXT )might be wrong) that’s in the root directory. If you are new to computing at and managed to get past the mounting of the ISO on the the SD. You might have had a hard time figuring out what the nonsense in the Config.txt meant. Well after everything was configured and up and running I still had the same problem as before. The windows were far too large to fit on my screen as desired and still to this day I cannot find a remedy for this problem other than switching from Rasbian to Fedora. All that set aside I would recommend this to anyone who wants a small functional computer at an affordable price. Even though this computer can’t do it all it can certainly do a lot.