So it's been a few eventful weeks try to design a custom enclosure for the Hack Like Heck Contest here on Element 14. I have been using Fusion 360 trying to figure out as to what would be the best, so I stopped trying to force it and and came up with a decent enough idea I believe.
So for this is only one part of the design--mainly, the top right half, seeing that the design exceeded my print bed volume, on X and Y, so it had be split in pieces. I wasn't about to give up control of the 3D printing to anyone else seeing that it would cost money and even more money if I had made a mistake. Right now, this is only a prototype to check for accuracy of the screen and holes.
DUring the printing process, one of the corners lifted off, so obviously not going to be using this for the final design at all! See this is the first design I have ever made, I am glad it came out as good as it did as a test run.
Other thing I notice is that the top layers are not as complete or full, I suppose, as they should be. Not sure if that's because I need bigger layer heights or more infill? I face that from time and not quite certain what causes this. So far I am confident I will be to correct this and carry froward. AT the moment I am making a new mount for the Robo 3D to put the camera on. I realized I want to time lapse some of these prints and through OctoPrint, looks like it should be relatively easy to do!