I started my road test of the DM240012 PIC24EP512GU810-I/PFPIC24EP512GU810-I/PF starter kit this week, and so far I am quite impressed. This post is not a review, it is just a blog on my progress so far, and some ideas I wanted to record.
After unpacking the kit and settling down, I realised that I had never used the PIC24EP512GU810-I/PFPIC24EP512GU810-I/PF before, I am currently working with a PIC24F device. I then had to download the latest version of the Microchip Application Libraries as my current version did not support the PIC24E. I also updated my version of C30 compiler to version 3.31 from 3.25.
Within 5 minutes I had loaded a USB flash memory demo and managed to store a jpeg file on the microcontroller. You will be able to read more in detail when I publish my review next week...
However, I was soon through the Demo's and wondering what to do next. I was glad to see the expansion connector, even if it was a little daunting to think about making a prototype board, with a Hirose FX10A 120 pin 0.5mm connector at a cost of £5.22 each!
I know there are expansion boards provided by Microchip. I havent got one, and like to make my own anyway.
Therefore, I have ordered 2 from Farnell and am awaiting delivery, in the meantime I am designing a board to connect the starter kit to, one general prototyping board, and one more application specific, a WIFI board.
I will post more as the design progresses, and will post all files if you wish to make one for yourself.
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