I'm putting the I2C coding effort for the Si4707 chip on hold. The basic initialization code (same as for the Si4703 breakout board) does not work with the Sparkfun board. Cause seems to be double-use of pull-up resistors (one set on the Pi, another on the Sparkfun board) that were added by Sparkfun. Because of this, I don't believe that the I2C interface will work with the Pi without modifying the board.
Supporting this are the following:
Will revisit the chip when I'm learning how to work with the SPI interface, or work with a computer that doesn't add its own set of pull-up resisistors. Maybe a Cubieboard or the XMOS controller. Will need to dig. In the mean time, this allows me to move on to the AS3935 lightning sensor and the Si4735 eval kit.