Finally got the DE0-CV to connect to the control panel so I can at least see everything works. not totally sure what made it work, kept getting tons of errors. Installing a Quartus II 15.0 seems to have helped (Im still using Quartus Prime 17.1 for programming but the control panel didn't seem to like that). Now I need to figure out either where to get or how to make the pin assignments. Got some downtime before programming class so may as well keep playing with it. At least now that I've figured out the control panel I can continue with reading the manual.
As side note, I've got to say thanks for the warm welcome. I didn't actually expect anyone to see that first post. I got some useful suggestions on where to go for more information so that should help a lot. I'll definitely keep posting as I figure stuff. May be able to help out other people starting with 0 knowledge like me as I discover what I'm doing. FPGAs and circuits were something I was always interested in but could never afford to get into till college forced me to pay for one lol.
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