I am a professional rookie, who desires a creative outlet and who's been searching for connections in which to begin making fun, functional / makable / wearable / hackable devices in order to begin creating my own fun, functional and possibly profitable future. I am 'Alternatively-Abled', and after recently discovering the world of PCB's, micro-controllers and wearable tech. (on 12_12_12 to be exact), I feel as though I may have found a new library to delve into, and am enthralled! I have been seeking a fun / functional / makable / wearable / hackable outlet, which is so necessary to those in my position (at Home with limited mobility and fund$), while having the desire and the ability to improve and grow. Having only just discovered the Arduino, Raspberry π, etc., here at the end of 2012, I too see the possibilities of these new open source 'Clovis Points', and want to improve my life with the many technologies only recently made available to folks like me, the Public! Technology has reached the point, where the size and the power and the cost have all collided at the opportune moment in my life.
These new, '*Freely' accessible, 'light-bulbs' are here… & I want to light up my Life!
I am dedicated, and a quick learner, so what you share, won't be wasted.
So, I am glad you have read this far… it means you might want to help me with good links to folks and places within the Element14 community so I can Bloom… am I right?
I knew it when I found this place, that my desires and abilities, which so needed to be focused, were now able to find purchase in a community that was already there to use & recycle them. I feel so lucky to have been able to find you here and am looking forward to not only automating my house to make coffee in the mornings and let the Cat out for me (i.e., let tech. allow us to be Human ; ), but to find some new pals to learn from and give back to!
Please leave a post, and take peace with you.
Thanks, and I'll see you in our fantastic future!