The holiday season is ramping up here in the USA along with COVID numbers, but we're going to make the best of it. Perhaps we're not having ideal family time this season, but I have hope that we should not have to live with so many onerous restrictions much longer. Since next week is Thanksgiving and I'm in between major projects at the moment (with Project Mego in the can and Project Llama yet to ramp up), I'm taking the opportunity to do some much needed maintenance around the shop. Our machine shop downstairs is getting an overhaul and I'm removing a lot of the clutter from the studio in order to make room for more CNC equipment (as well as other niceties)! You can follow my exploits on my Instagram and starting soon on my Twitch as I'm thinking about live streaming some behind-the-scenes work for those that like to see "how the sausage is made".
Keep well, y'all, and I'll see ya on the flip flop!