The main idea is to use a PICAXE 20M2 to make a simple handheld gaming system to show off at places. There is a few things I havent really thought about yet, these are:
- Audio. Why and How?
- Controller. Which design i should choose.
- Connectivity. Can you connect it to other units?
Video will be run by a TellyMate Tiny TTL, which can provide basic shapes and text from Serial communtications to a TV.
This is where my project gets interesting. I plan to do something completely unheard in cartridge based gaming, Thats to make the main CPU be on each cartridge, and not in the handheld. This required alot of thinking and this is the most easiest thing I can think of.
Since the PICAXE and the screen uses 4.5 volts and the TellyMate uses 5, I plan to regulate a 9 volt battery with a simple voltage divider. This will make sure that my project doesnt have a 2 minute battery life.
I expect that many would say "Dont do it like that!" or "you should do this instead", but as a 15 year old, its essential for me to make those mistakes to learn of them. After all, I could probably make a second model anyway.
Expect drawings in SketchUp and photos within the next few months