A good place to start would be my current projects and progress I suppose.
-"A.I." Puppet.
-In progress.
-Main case completed, modifications and additions still in progress.
-Still to design/build/finalist switch box and the foot pedal system.
-First Person 3D Video Game.
-In Progress.
-Main Story Developed.
-Act 1 in progress.
-First Person 3D Video Game.
-In progress.
-Basic story, game concepts, and locations developed.
-Encountered issue with the enemy not tracking the player properly, nor colliding with surfaces.
-First Person 3D Video Game.
-In Progress.
-Still in Development Hell.
Maybe an introduction would be wise also. Hello, Lewis here, I am a hobbyist in many fields, and a Stage Hand for work. I have tried YouTube many times (still trying to this day), and I also attempt to make some experimental music. Still trying to get into the swing of things, nd hopefully something will stick.
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