A bit of an Impromptu blogging here (I really love the concept of Blogs btw, I`m new to it and wish I`d discovered it earlier instead of the silly website attempts I made in the 90`s) I digress.
anyway... I just to delivery of a rather snazzy little dev board made by Digilent or Chipkit (one of the two anyway), and I`m really rather impressed!
I`v been considering for a long time whether to get an arduino Mega 128 or 256, and happened by chance to find the UNO32.
ok, there was no "Chance" involved, it was a guy on Twitter that mentioned it, so I looked into it myself.
I have to admit I find the whole board and IDE a pleasure to work with so far, and although I Do love Atmel devices (not just the MCUs), PIC does have quite a bit going for it too!
as a fan of Overclocking (pun somewhat intended), I am intruiged by the whole idea of 80MHz clock speed running "sketches" (we used to call them Programs in my day!).
in particular the Never-Never land of Analog, I`v already proven that an atmega 328p will run perfectly happily at 26MHz and perfom A to D conversions to 8 bit Binary out to get a good 10+KHz sample rate, but then think of the same code running 5x faster!!!!
this in itself opens up plenty of possibilities. use the onboard SRAM to sample the code, manipulate it and make all kinds of Echo effects and voice changers, VLF radio signals, Video capture etc...
or even the Inverse of D to A, and maybe generate vid signals or VLF code+carrier, maybe even a DCO for SDR with a hand full of parts and a simple mixer chip?
I`v not even touched upon Robotic modules or the ordinary stuff yet (use you Own imagination! ).
so in a nutshell, this board (esp when you consider the cost), is well worth a look into in My opinion, you Will fine a use for it even IF it`s not your cup of tea.
ok, I`ll shut up now :|