bloggy bloggy blog blog
no, I haven`t entirely lost my mind (yet), but have you stopped to consider what a gift Vision is?
a bit of background on Today...
This morning, after taking Nick Gray`s advice (one of our experts here) on ADC converters, I bought 4x 20MHz sample rate ADCs that arrived.
And although not in itself an amazing thing to some here, these devices are REAL TINY!
I spent quite a bit of time with a tape measure and assorted optics just to read the numbers on them (in case it was the wrong device) and working out the pin-to-pin spacing.
sometime afterwards, I had a phone call from the Opticians that my new glasses were ready, needless to say I wasted no time getting myself there
after bringing them back home to Beta test, I can actually SEE now!
I have to wear Bifocals, top part for every day, and bottom part for Electronics (Yes I told the optician that I needed a Max of a 6 inch focal length).
I can read these chip numbers effortlessly now, and they`re 1.27mm pin spacing (I worked out ~1.25 originally), I can see the comp screen just fine as well now, so my "Bloggy blog" was just plain and simple Nice To See!
I`d advise anyone over 40 to go get their eyes checked, especially in this business, and with parts getting smaller and smaller.
Now of course my only concern is how one goes about soldering SMT/SMD chips to a board, I`ve worked with DIP only and the occasional SDIP wired dead-bug style, but these 1.27mm things are going to be interesting!
I am curious however as to Why the seller said they were TSSOP, when the pin spacing suggest SOIC? I could do with knowing this for sure so that I can buy the correct breakout board/convertor to DIP spacing.
I`m going to guess also that I should put Flux on the board and pins, then glue the chip into place with a drop of cyanoacrylate, and then just solder as normal? (but carefully).
this should Also be fun, since I use a 25 year old 150W soldering gun, Here:
yeah, I`m not sure if I did that image thingy right ???
anyway, message to be taken: get yours eyes tested regularly, don`t believe All that an ebay seller has to say about Chip types, 150W soldering guns Rock! (if you`re used to them, I`v had 25 years with mine).
All the best each, and Kung Hei fat Choy!