Hi, I'm Martin V. live in Peru the land of the Incas. for me it is a great pleasure to participate in this great community, I hope my work call your attention and can enjoy them like I did. |
MSP430G2553: Tilt meter with an accelerometer
This project is intended to measure the inclination produced by a hydraulic piston. the inclination of the accelerometer shown in Pitch and Roll, these data patanlla MCU LCD displays.
The type of communication is between the MSP430 and I2C accelerometer.
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MSP432P401R: Electric Power Meter
The MSP432 MCU is an excellent amount of RAM and speed of data processing, the speed of your sampler allows me to take 6000 samples per second and calculate a true RMS.
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The microcontroller shows the current and voltage signal and then calculate the RMS of each of the signals separately value.
The resolution of the microcontroller is set up to 14 bits sampling rate more than 4 microseconds, you can have a high precision in the RMS measurement of each signal.
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The application of MATLAB software required for operation.
-Capture Image
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The image is captured by the webcam and sent to MATLAB, in which DSP is applied to find the object coordenads forward.
The TM4C1294 has a graphical display, in order to observe the action that will take the control system.
TM4C1294 |
Once the coordinates are are sent by the serial port TM4C1294, who performs the task of moving the carrere of impresiora for the X axis and the engine of the camera as the axis Y.
The loop is then repeated.
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TM4C123G: Programmable Logic Controller
The purpose of this team is to dye fabrics in a factory. it must have stored 50 different stained for all fabrics.
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The machine was designed considering a low cost and that should withstand the environmental conditions of a textile factory (Vapor dye). The machine controls an AC motor to raise and lower a roller in which the fabric is set to we wish dye.
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My goal with this application is to implement a control for low power electric charges THROUGH the CC3200's Simple, remove Remove a communication protocol MQTT messages to travez of the internet.
This microcontroller has WIFI communication, providing freedom of hubicar control anywhere in the house.
Simply sending commands like:
motor_on; command to start the engine.
motor_off; command to stop the motor.
To send commands can use the Eclipse Paho program, in which we identify and endorse still topical; The PC and the MCU must be listed on the same topic for message transmission is successful.
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