So today I decided I was going to figure out how to get the temperature as sensed by the DS18B20 to display in a 16X2 basic LCD display.
So I got the DS18 working and displaying info back via serial monitor.
Once I got that part, I decided it was time to wire up the LCD and test it to make sure I had it working properly.
Uh oh
I could not get this lcd screen to work with the nano I was using.
I pulled it from the breadboard and put it in an LCD shirld for my UNO and loaded the hello world code, and the screen worked fine.
Ok, what am I doing wrong?
I messed and messed with it, got frustrated, walked away, came back to it, got frustrated again, walked away,
well, to the point eventually I figured out that I had the pins LCD backwards and had the whole thing wired up wrong.
Once I figured that out, I got the Hello World code to run just fine.
Then in a quick and dirty I just added a couple lines to the single sample code from Dallas to get it to print to the LCD in addition to the serial monitor.
And that is where I stand now.
I have it working, but next begins the task of editing and modifying and adding to make both this sensor and my thermistor I am using for an outdoor sensor work at the same time and display one on each line of the LCD