Like many school children I find myself having counted down the days until I leeave for my first camp of the year. At last the bike is packed and I am pleasantly awaiting the activities of the next 5 days as I hover at 35,000 feet in route to L.A. and the Velodrome.
Beyond that the comparisons of summer camp and training camp seem to dry up. Yes there will be some laughter, camaraderie and much needed boost of having training companions. Unlike summer camp coach has no intention of dropping me off at the airport on Sunday with a smile on my faces and feeling as though I am in some way better off now. Quite the contrary, the objective is to break me down to nothing but a fraction of what I am as I write this. Come Sunday, the one thing to celebrate physically will be that I have survived, hopefully. Building me up comes later in the season….now about tearing me down.