I decided a week ago to create a website. One dedicated to the documentation of several pet projects. I used free web-hosting from x10hosting.com They offer adfree pages, 1 GB storage, and 1GB/month transfer. I also found a program called PageBreeze HTML editor that offers a reduced function version for evaluation. This is an extremely straight forward program to use. So far I have only used the basic linking functions included in the software, but it has the capability to create forms. Another program that has come in handy is PhotoScape image editor. Cropping and resizing were very easy with this program. So far it has been a pleasurable experience, aside from the grammatical mistakes that I don't see until the next day.
I highly recommend the programs listed above, and at their cost they are at least worth a look-see.
Oh, by the way the web address is http://embed.elementfx.com/, check it out and let me know what you think.