During the The specified item was not found. here on element14 Nico was selected to receive a freeThe specified item was not found. board and turn it into whatever he wanted. This is what Nico did in his own words.
"This project emulates the cheesy "time bomb" that is often seen in movies. The hero finds the bomb, and then is faced with the decision of which wire to cut.
The clock counts down the time until the timer hits 0, at which point an action happens (a green LED goes on), and it flashes 00:00 in a panicky way.
For our timer, we have 3 wires to choose from. Cutting (disconnecting) the blue wire stops the timer; cutting the red wire starts "panic mode" where the timer flashes and counts down faster; and cutting the yellow wire immediately drops the time to 0 (in other words, bad news!).
To make things trickier, the board senses motion. The first time the board is bumped, the timer goes into "panic mode". If it is bumped again, it drops to 0 (bad news again!).
What the hero of our bad movie didn't know is that there are 3 buttons that allow time to be incremented by seconds (SW1), minutes (SW2), and hours (SW3).
This timer has many other potential uses. For example, it could run a sprinkler at a preset intervals."
View the video to see it in action
It really reminded me on this too
Nico's original post is here