[This is re-posted from my own blog at nelsonm.com]
So there’s some exciting news in the world of what Nelson does with his spare time! I’ve always had an interest in electronics, programming, computers, technology and the cool things that can be done with them. However, I’ve never really taken the time to do anything about my interest. I always figured that I didn’t have the education, or I didn’t have the money, or any number of other excuses to not do something that I know I’ll enjoy.
Well, no more. I took the plunge just three days ago and I ordered the Arduino Starter Kit from spikenzielabs.com. Arduino is an open-source physical computing platform based on a simple microcontroller board, and a development environment for writing software for the board. spikenzielabs is an electronics kits and DIY electronics supplier that appears to be based out of Montreal, Quebec. A cool bonus I found with my order at spikenzielabs was that because my order was over a certain dollar value, it was eligible for a “free” gift, in this case I selected a 2 line by 16 character white on blue display panel, this might come in handy some day :-) Anyways, on with the unboxing!
*Edit* My website has changed significantly, the pictures are still available at this updated link~
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