The challenge I set myself was to control a USB device using a Raspberry Pi. The problem initially appeared quite simple. Connect the USB device, work out how to drive it, code an interface and job done! Unfortunately, it didn’t work out quite that simple.
Let start with a rundown of the equipment. A Raspberry Pi B+ with the Raspbian operating system installed. I had a choice of two USB devices that I could use, and in the end I experimented with both. The first was a Robot Arm which I purchased from Maplin. This cost around £35 pounds and took a couple of hours to put together. I actually set my son and father the challenge of building the arm on Christmas day! It’s not the most robust of devices, but it is at least versatile.
The second device, and perhaps my favourite (it’s certainly captured the imagination of my pupils) is a Dream Cheeky USB Rocket Launcher. Whilst not as sophisticated as the robot arm, there is no build time and the cost is lower at around £20.
Both these devices come with software which can be installed on a Mac or PC, which allow the user to control their motors and LEDs. The hard part came in figuring out how to hack the code.