I received an email from UPS today indicating that I've got a package arriving from Element14. By golly, awesomeness truly abounds I tell ya! Granted, I can do exactly nothing about said package arriving, other than "ooing and ahhhing," because my design is not yet complete. I am however going to the Home Depot this weekend with my daughter to pick up some PVC pipe so that we can prototype some things with regard to some of the hydroponics components. For me, that's one of the bigger unknowns, so we're going to test some simple things out first and see how bad they fail. I'll also be registering a domain for this project, and setting up a git repo for all documents, cad drawings and source code. It'll be hosted on github, and once I've got that all setup, I'll post the particulars on this blog.
Video blogging. I'm a geek dammit, not a vlogger... vblogger... I've got a face for radio. Seriously? This entails cleaning up my garage, and putting forth some modicum of effort to get an acceptable workspace for this project. I thought this was a design challenge, wherein magic occurs, projects appear, crops are grown, and the best, hopefully non-cheating project wins. I think cheating would be considered growing my crops at the local nursery, a scant mile up the road from me. I suppose video blogging could be interesting. My one ton purebred Belgian draft horse might decide to walk off with the gate again (literally... walked off with the gate. Welds broken, wearing the gate like a necklace and eating an entire bale of Alfalfa when I got home. I can only imagine what he'd do with a vertical farm with actively rotated crops... At any rate, I'll get over my desire to avoid the whole video-blog-o-tron, butch it up and clean the garage. Hmmm... where to hide that bottle of...
Anyway. Hope everyone had a great weekend and a happy Monday!