Project Objective: Develop an open source AIS Alarm that alerts sailors that a new marine vessel with AIS is within range
The faceplates came back today and here is a photograph:
If I make another order there are a few tweaks I will make but overall I am happy with it. I might make the holes slightly smaller. I hit the edge of the PCB with sandpaper where the tabs were and then a sharpie to make it blacker but otherwise it is as received.
Time to finish off the firmware.
Past Posts from this Project:
AIS Alarm - Prototype Hardware
AIS Alarm - Prototype Code Outline
AIS Alarm - First AIS Messages
AIS Alarm - First FRAM Storage
AIS Alarm - Debouncing Momentary Button Switches
AIS Alarm - PCB Version 0.1 Arrived
AIS Alarm - PCB Version 0.2 Populated
AIS Alarm - PCB Version 0.2 Tested
References and Links:
WEGMATT LLC - dAISy AIS Receiver - low cost AIS receiver
Texas Instruments MSP430FR2xx FRAM Microcontrollers - Post No. 4
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