Just a quicky here. For the last couple of weeks I could smell an acrid burning smell in my office on occasion but since I'd had a cold and my sense of smell was stuffed I was putting it down to the high roast coffee. This week and a better nose repeated the exercise but then it went away so again put it down to paranoia.
However the next day started with a nice wisp of smoke so convinced it was the PSU of my desktop I ripped the lump out and stuck it on my desk, took it apart and again no remnant of the smell! I then powered it up to find the smoke was in fact coming from the cable harness "tray" these cases have for cable management after taking the back off I found this little bugger:
The cheap CPU power extension seems to have had a bad crimp or similar and this is the result ...One charred mess!
Moral to the story, don't know I've use off brand cables before no problem, maybe it's always follow your nose..Where there's smoke there is indeed fire !
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