Hello, just want to share with community one of my projects. This time X-Ray machine
Since i always like to make stuff related to physics, this one is one of the best. Construction is very simple.
All i needed is X - Ray tube, that runs from 110kV , and high power switch mode power supply with two phase multiplier, so i can reach 110kV without need of very big high voltage transformer.
First thing to do is to make power supply. It is simple Half bridge SMPS controlled by IR2153, and i use very fast IGBT transistors, so i can get around 1kW @ 50kHz
Next step is to make 2 - Phase HV transformer. I need two phase because i have two phase voltage multiplier, that will give me more power, and also less ripple on output. It was made by taking two flyback transformers from old TV.
Note that this transformer is designed for 30kV, next step is two phase voltage multiplier:
Simple circuit, it should give 110kV and few mA. Next step is to make oil cooled X-Ray tube holder from simple PVC pipe, and two plexiglass plugs.
And last thing to do is to put all electronics inside heavy duty plastic box, and use lot of paraffin for insulation, since 110kV is no joke, is very difficult to maintain without any glowing/leaking.
And that it.i can start to make nice pictures. But first, i had to get radiation monitor, so i will not put my life in danger, because X-ray is not that friendly as you may think, specially at low energy, like 60-100keV . I also used very long power cable, so i can be as far away as i can, then this thing is running. Here is one of the best picture i made. I don't use any intensifier, because it will degrade quality. Only direct exposure. In real life it looks much better, it is possible to see bond wires inside chips, not to mention soldering quality.
If i use intensifier, like for people X ray imaging, it will degrade quality, but will allow very short exposure time, and that is what you want to have in medical x ray equipment
RAM, CPU, GPU , HDD is clearly visible, not to mention that is possible to see touchpad copper , and so on. This is ACER aspire 5739G.
Now the fun part, i made stepper motor driver that can turn on and off x ray source, and also at the same time with take pictures with camera of intensifier screen. And by applying back-projection algorithm, it is possible to reconstruct 3D objects
And this is idea behind CBCT in visible spectrum
And here is what we get when camera and x ray source is synchronized with rotation of stand.
And 3D reconstruction by usage of back-projection algorithm in matlab;