I've thought about it for some time, and I think it is appropriate to reproduce my successful RoatTest applications here as I've seen some ask to see successful applications. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to say "Hey look at me and my successful applications", in fact I have only been successful for 2 of the 5 applications I have submitted. I don't know if they will help some when making their own applications, but I hope they do. I'll only include the ones that were successful. The first one is for the Tiva DK-TM4C129X Connected Development Kit.
Reason for the RoadTest:
I am the Senior Electrical Engineer for a small company, and I develop commercial products based on embedded systems. I'm interested in Road Testing this product for, mainly, three reasons:
- The embedded system offers a touch screen device, and I am interested in exploring this feature.
- The embedded system has a microSD port, which I would use for data storage.
- The microcontroller has on-chip comparators, which I would use as a pulse counter.
Essentially, I would like to create a pulse counter that stores data on the microSD card and is completely driven from a touch LCD interface. Think of something like a stepper motor counter (optoelectronic pulse counting).
I would make a great candidate for this road test because I am experienced in the review process. I'm a published author in peer-reviewed journal articles and I have been the reviewer for such articles in the past. As a research associate I have tested many products and have become comfortable giving an opinion on their functionality and ease-of-use.
Note: I did not get the SD card with the kit, so I tried a different approach. I also wanted to see if a small function generator was possible with a touch screen interface, but the kit did not have a digital to analog converter (DAC).
The second was for the EnOcean Internet of Things Pack with a Raspberry Pi. I'm still working with this kit and updating the review.
Reason for the RoadTest:
I am currently the Senior Electrical Engineer for a small company and I design commercial products based on embedded systems. My idea for this kit is quite simple; I'd like to use it to monitor how often and for how long a refrigerator door is opened, and log that data through my home network. From this data I could get an idea of how much energy is being lost while the door is opened, and more importantly how much it costs. I would be blogging on E14 through the entire project. This would be a hobby/research project, not necessarily a commercial product.
Another idea that comes to mind is monitoring how often my patio door is opened while the air conditioning is turned on and determining the cost of doing so. I live in Southern California and we run our air conditioning a lot...
So, there they are. My unsuccessful applications include the Picoscope 2205A Oscilloscope, Tektronix TBS1202B-EDU, and Tektronix MDO3054. I should also point out I put considerably more work into my unsuccessful applications than I did my successful ones.
Good luck with your future applications.
Edit: Adding the Agilent N9322C Spectrum Analyzer & TI CC11XLDK-868 to the unsuccessful list.