I bought this Asus Motherboard not quite 3 years ago! When I got it home and tried to mount the cooler and fan assembly, it would not mount as the caps near the rear where too tall and interfered with the fan/cooler assembly. So back to Micro Center about 45 miles away in Dallas! The store manager new me and swapped up at no charge to this B550-F there was a 30-40 buck difference. But she kept me happy!
I later picked up a usb bus exander which also had a video port, neet! When I plugged it in no lites dead! so I did a lsusb to see the adapters and it wasn't their. changed cables, etc. No Joy! So I called Asus and asked for an advanced replacement, to which the tech said to me: "We have no replacement board, so you can send it in and we will repair it for you! And BTW it will take a few weeks to turn-it-around." Let me translate this message to me ie POUND SAND! So what the heck a usb-c is nice but I can live with out the extra monitor.
Meanwhile the Earth keeps spinning, and Time keeps on going Forward. It is now the present time!
About mid October I was looking for a image of a 3 way switch, you know turn on upstares, and turn it off downstairs, or whatever. I grabbed one and did not like it, so picked up one that was very neat. download, and I got a message that my image cache was corrupted. So powered down the box and restarted it. I found that my Documents and public where GONE! I powered down one more time and removed the offending drive~ It has 5+ years of stuff (library, Books, pdfs etc and all of my software) :( Im am irresponsible, I had on the system Virtualbox, with a Debian 12 on there as well to do my browsing! I am sometimes a LazyM$$&^&&*(())!!! And I GOT BIT IN THE ASS!!! Back to the drama.
So on the system and I rebuilt the OS an moved Drives around. So I can never again do a double failure. And then started installing my software, eclipse four times! that is seperate for C/C++, Java, Java E2E, and Jetty, Dia, KiCad and others! in the middle of configuring Jetty my box got flaky. It said the it need the boot drive! hit the Del key to resume. All the pounding on the Del key did noda! I called ASUS, and explained the error and the usb-C fiasco, and asked for an ADVANCE REPLACEMENT (DEC 12 FRI PM), I asked about the amount and payment and he said they will send me an email. He said It was automated and I should get it soon. When the email got to me it said RMA! not ADVANCE REPLACEMENT!! This promented more than a few calls to ASUS! They finally agreed the order was put into the system as an RMA not a Advance Replacement they said they will send me an email (automated) to ask me for my Credit Card to the tune of 220 bucks US. then I waited, and waited I get an email how to pack a flippen motherboard?! No thank you no how you do nothing, back to the waiting game Xmas came and went! On Friday I get an e-mail from FEDX telling me my package will be here sometime (10:30-3:00) Saturday! Saterday rolls around like it always does and after lunch about 2:33 guess who shows up! FEDX, he wants me to sign but I say I'm having problems with ASUS so I want to check it out, everything so I opened the box and inside the box was another box with the board! I made some pasta with fresh tomatoes, and went to bed! Today is Sunday! Tomorrow I will put this beast back together.... Cris H