A computer worm is a standalone malware computer program that replicates itself in order to spread to other computers.[1] It often uses a computer network to spread itself, relying on security failures on the target computer to access it. It will use this machine as a host to scan and infect other computers. When these new worm-invaded computers are controlled, the worm will continue to scan and infect other computers using these computers as hosts, and this behavior will continue.[2] Computer worms use recursive methods to copy themselves without host programs and distribute themselves based on exploiting the advantages of exponential growth, thus controlling and infecting more and more computers in a short time.[3] Worms almost always cause at least some harm to the network, even if only by consuming bandwidth, whereas viruses almost always corrupt or modify files on a targeted computer.
I got NAILED about 35 days ago, I was searching for an image file of a 3 way switch, and not using my virtual computer programs, instead I was using my large desktop well I found an image and then downloaded it. The next thing I see was a error message from Debian: "image cache is corrupt". It erased the directory of my Documents, and Public directories. So bang I lost 5 years of work, Nothing left of NexGen, or my Library, user manuals, components. I don't want to think about it. The drive has been labeled and packed up. I will have to try photoRec on it. So this is how you save your ASS!!
You have to install VirtualBox (this is the one I like) "Oracle VirtualBox, the world’s most popular open source, cross-platform, virtualization software, enables developers to deliver code faster by running multiple operating systems on a single device. IT teams and solution providers use VirtualBox to reduce operational costs and shorten the time needed to securely deploy applications on-premises and to the cloud) = Oracles Website. After VirtualBox is installed then you can install an Virtual OS(s) of your choice, and a browser. Now when you get what I did all it can do is wipe itself out.