As you may be aware that my hosting service eliminated my shared plan. So I did what I did before bring the damn thing down and host it myself. This is an ongoing fight with some wins. Since AT&T offered me IP space and a 1Gb line which I have not seen. The best is about 200Mb, even though their technician says he sees 900Mb.
So the first problem I had was building my RAID 5 box after several old motherboards I got one up. An Asus motherboard with 6 SATA connectors, hey nothing is that easy I could only see 3 of them which is what I need for the RAID. So I picked up 3 brand new 2Tb Barracudas and stuck them in, configured the array installed LVM on top, and then formatted it with ext. when that was done I created the mount point for it "/export/home" and mounted the array on it. then I created 3 directories, MySQL, temp, and webs. So far so good. I NFS mounted the backup directory on to the temp and transferred the "files.sql" to the array. "
So this is where it goes sideways. Linux MySQL files are normally found in "/var/log/mysql/". In the real world not LINUX the only thing in var ar logs!! So now I have to move the "datadir" from "/var/log/mysql" to "/export/home/MySQL". Debian doesn't make things easy either. After much beating myself up and cussing, I finally found it hiding in "/etc/mysql/maria.conf.d/50-server.cnf".
Next, I had to copy everything to the new dir. "cp -R -p /var/lib/mysql/* /export/home/MySQL" where -R is directories copy recursively, and -p preserve[=ATTR_LIST]: preserve the specified attributes (default: mode,ownership,timestamps), if possible additional attributes: context, links, xattr, all.
For my next trick, I have to explode my <database name>.sql files which where created by mysqldump. The first thing you have to do is issue this command as root from the MySQL prompt: "create database ><database name>.sql;". This must be done for all of your databases as this will allow the creation of the schema. From a root prompt, you now issue the following command "mysql -u root -p <database name> < /export/home/MySQL/<database name>.sql".
At this point, you can issue the following commands from the mysql prompt:
use <database name>;
show tables