The Road Map for the RSS has changed somewhat or here we go again. I have decided to implement CANaerospace on the Arduino Megas. This is kind of tough though. The CANaerospace protocol has never been ported to the Arduino first, the endianness1 is wrong it is little-endian. (x86) CANaerospace was designed for big-endian, which means I can't buy any COTS.
Between the slaves and the RSS, I will use a protocol converter2 This will be sort of easy as all I need to do is to write this in JAVA on a small Raspberry PI as all it needs in hardware is the PI with its Ethernet Connector and a CANbus/SPI module, a little software. Why only a little? Remember from my first CANaerospace blog? Well, it uses an ISA/OSI Reference model just like ethernet. So all this has to do is read from one port and send it out on the other, bi-directional of course. So below is the new diagram for you folks.
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