Happy St. Patrick's Day to the Element14 Community!
I was wondering if there was anything that I could do quickly with something that was green. The Pi Pico came to mind immediately, but serendipity won the day.
When I arrived home after my morning walk with the granddog, I found a Fedex package on my doorstep. It was an Omron Sensor Evaluation Board 2CIE-EV that I had won in an Omron giveaway contest. And it was also green .
There are 3 different versions of this board, in Raspberry Pi, Arduino MKR, and Feather form factors. I had won the Feather version, 2JCIE-EV01-FT1 https://components.omron.com/sensor/evaluation-board/2jcie .
The board has 6 onboard sensors and connectors for other sensors. They even provide 4 cables to enable external connections.
The only Feather that I had handy to use was a HUZZAH ESP8266. I had been using it to test I2C sensors, so the only pins that I had soldered were 3.3V, GND, SDA, and SCL. So, it seemed appropriate to try one of the onboard I2C sensors.
Omron has a GitHub repo for this board https://github.com/omron-devhub/2jcieev01-arduino . I decided to try the program for the SHT30 Humidity and Temperature sensor.
Here's the sensor board mounted on the Feather:
And the output on the Serial Monitor
The GitHub code is written for an ESP32, so I had to change some of the GPIO assignments - but because I don't have those pins soldered, it didn't matter anyway. LED1 is an RGB LED and those pins would have just toggled the colors.
The code just for reference.
/* * MIT License * Copyright (c) 2019, 2018 - present OMRON Corporation * All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /* includes */ #include "sht30.h" #include <Wire.h> /* defines */ #define SHT30_ADDR 0x44 #define SHT30_STATUSMASK 0xFC1F #define GPIO_LED_R_PIN 14 #define GPIO_LED_G_PIN 12 #define GPIO_LED_B_PIN 13 #define conv16_u8_h(a) (uint8_t)(a >> 8) #define conv16_u8_l(a) (uint8_t)(a & 0xFF) #define conv8s_u16_be(b, n) \ (uint16_t)(((uint16_t)b[n] << 8) | (uint16_t)b[n + 1]) #define ap_halt(a) {Serial.println(a); while (1) {}} /* I2C functions */ /** <!-- i2c_write_reg16 {{{1 --> I2C write function for byte transfer. */ bool i2c_write_reg16(uint8_t slave_addr, uint16_t register_addr, uint8_t *write_buff, uint8_t len) { Wire.beginTransmission(slave_addr); Wire.write(conv16_u8_h(register_addr)); Wire.write(conv16_u8_l(register_addr)); if (len > 0) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { Wire.write(write_buff[i]); } } Wire.endTransmission(); return false; } /** <!-- i2c_read_reg16 {{{1 --> I2C read function for bytes transfer. */ bool i2c_read_reg16(uint8_t slave_addr, uint16_t register_addr, uint8_t *read_buff, uint8_t len) { i2c_write_reg16(slave_addr, register_addr, NULL, 0); Wire.requestFrom(slave_addr, len); if (Wire.available() != len) { return true; } for (uint16_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { read_buff[i] = Wire.read(); } return false; } /** <!-- sht30_setup {{{1 --> setup a humidity sensor. */ void sht30_setup() { sht30_reset(); sht30_startcheck(); sht30_measstart(); } /** <!-- sht30_reset {{{1 --> issue software reset and wait for it. */ void sht30_reset(void) { i2c_write_reg16(SHT30_ADDR, SHT30_SOFTRESET, NULL, 0); delay(10); } /** <!-- sht30_startcheck {{{1 --> clear status and check start status. */ void sht30_startcheck(void) { uint16_t stat = 0; i2c_write_reg16(SHT30_ADDR, SHT30_CLEARSTATUS, NULL, 0); // clear status delay(1); int retry = 10; do { stat = sht30_readstatus(); // check status delay(10); } while (((stat & SHT30_STATUSMASK) != 0x0000) && (retry-- > 0)); if (((stat & SHT30_STATUSMASK) != 0x0000) || (retry == 0)) { ap_halt("cannot detect SHT30 working."); } } /** <!-- sht30_measstart {{{1 --> start measurement. */ void sht30_measstart(void) { i2c_write_reg16(SHT30_ADDR, SHT30_MEAS_HIGHPRD, NULL, 0); } /** <!-- sht30_readstatus {{{1 --> */ uint16_t sht30_readstatus(void) { bool result; uint8_t readbuffer[3] = {0, 0, 0}; uint16_t stat = 0xFFFF; result = i2c_read_reg16(SHT30_ADDR, SHT30_READSTATUS, readbuffer, 3); if (!result) { stat = conv8s_u16_be(readbuffer, 0); } return stat; } /** <!-- sht30_readTempHumi {{{1 --> read raw digits and * convert them to physical values. */ int sht30_readTempHumi(int32_t* humi, int32_t* temp) { bool result; uint8_t readbuffer[6]; result = i2c_read_reg16(SHT30_ADDR, SHT30_READ_PERIODIC, readbuffer, 6); if (result) { return 1; } if (readbuffer[2] != sht30_crc8(readbuffer, 2)) { return 2; // check crc8 code failed. } if (readbuffer[5] != sht30_crc8(readbuffer + 3, 2)) { return 3; // check crc8 code failed. } uint16_t ST, SRH; ST = conv8s_u16_be(readbuffer, 0); SRH = conv8s_u16_be(readbuffer, 3); double stemp = (double)ST * 17500.0 / 65535.0 - 4500.0; *temp = (int32_t)stemp; // Serial.print("SRH = "); Serial.println(SRH); double shum = (double)SRH * 10000.0 / 65535.0; *humi = (int32_t)shum; return 0; } /** <!-- sht30_crc8 {{{1 --> CRC-8 formula from page 14 of SHT spec pdf * Test data 0xBE, 0xEF should yield 0x92. * * Initialization data 0xFF * Polynomial 0x31 (x8 + x5 +x4 +1) * Final XOR 0x00 */ uint8_t sht30_crc8(const uint8_t *data, int len) { const uint8_t POLYNOMIAL(0x31); uint8_t crc(0xFF); for (int j = len; j; --j) { crc ^= *data++; for (int i = 8; i; --i) { crc = (crc & 0x80) ? (crc << 1) ^ POLYNOMIAL : (crc << 1); } } return crc; } /** <!-- setup - humidity sensor {{{1 --> * 1. setup LED gpio. * 2. setup sensor */ void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println("peripherals: GPIO"); pinMode(GPIO_LED_R_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(GPIO_LED_G_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(GPIO_LED_B_PIN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(GPIO_LED_R_PIN, LOW); digitalWrite(GPIO_LED_G_PIN, LOW); digitalWrite(GPIO_LED_B_PIN, LOW); Serial.println("peripherals: I2C"); Wire.begin(); // master Serial.println("sensor: illuminance"); sht30_setup(); delay(32); } /** <!-- loop - humidity sensor {{{1 --> * 1. blink LEDs * 2. read and convert sensor. * 3. output results, format is: x100[%RH], x100[degC] */ void loop() { static bool blink = false; int32_t humi, temp; blink = !blink; digitalWrite(GPIO_LED_R_PIN, blink ? HIGH: LOW); digitalWrite(GPIO_LED_G_PIN, blink ? HIGH: LOW); digitalWrite(GPIO_LED_B_PIN, blink ? HIGH: LOW); delay(900); int ret = sht30_readTempHumi(&humi, &temp); Serial.print("sensor output:"); Serial.print(humi / 100.0); Serial.print("[%RH],"); Serial.print(temp / 100.0); Serial.print("[degC], return code: "); Serial.println(ret); } // vi: ft=arduino:fdm=marker:et:sw=4:tw=80
So, I've earned my corned beef and cabbage dinner .
This seems like a useful board to play with sensors and it supports 5V I2C levels.