Last month scottiebabe inspired me with her post A simple game on the RPi Pico to buy a Pi Pico LCD. I doubt that I'll ever develop a game for it, but it seemed like a piggyback display with buttons would be a perfect addition to a Pico W.
I didn't get the Pimoroni version, but got a Waveshare version on Amazon that has a slightly larger 240x240 display and a joystick in addition to the 4 buttons - and was slightly cheaper.
Alas, as with much that I buy from Amazon - I received it in 2 days, but haven't had time to do much with it. I thought maybe I could use it with the Pimoroni Micropython version that Scottie is using, but that didn't run. Not sure how hard it would be to port to this display.
I decided to try a simple "Christmas Card", so I loaded CircuitPython and some Adafruit libraries. I'll admit that I don't do any fancy display stuff with either Micropython or CircuitPython.
So, here it is - wishing a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to the E14 community:
and the requisite bouncing ball video:
Hope everyone has safe holidays and best wishes for the New Year!
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