It would be awesome to have a feature where the 'Like' button and the Reply button are replaced with: "Like & Get Notifications" and in the Reply dialog, once the user has typed a comment, the button they click on is not called "Reply" any more, but is instead called "Reply & Get Notifications".
Optionally, there could be a separate "Like" button too, so users have the choice of clicking "Like" if they don't want to turn on blog and comment notifications, or they could click "Like & Get Notifications" and it would automatically turn on the blog and comment notifications.
The very fact that someone has taken the effort to like or reply to a post means that they have implicitly expressed an interest in getting notifications. Unless they are blindly clicking "Like" of course.. but that's their problem, they can raise a feature request to discuss their own problem if they didn't like it.
I have raised this in the past, but there were more serious site issues to deal with before. This feature would help a _lot_ since we don't have any decent "Recent Activity" that functions properly for all content.
The above is just one way to perhaps implement it, but any system that provides an equivalent result would be highly appreciated. For instance, if someone clicks on Reply or Like, then how about a big popup with the "Turn on Blog and Comment notifications" buttons to immediately appear. It's ugly, but at least it will help users if there's no other option. Today, people can reply on threads that you're interested in, and you'll have no clue that there has been replies, unless you've remembered to turn on the blog and comment notifications, and realistically, that is very easy to miss, and it's super-annoying because people think you're not interested in a topic but you are. You've just not seen any indication that they have replied to a thread you were genuinely interested in.
I know there's a limit to what can be done with Verint, so I'm trying to think outside the box, with popups etc., so that the core of Verint's awful system doesn't need to change perhaps.