123 instances of comments being revoked today 12-12-24. That doesn't seem right. What gives?
I have also been revoked about 25 comments, it's funny today I'm trading down on element14 haha
Too much work if it's a joke, because the revocations are at an interval of 6 hours, you have to be really bored to re-read a comment that you already read and appreciated or maybe a glitch in the system that takes away points if you like twice.
If old blogs are converted to forums, then you will tend to lose points for any likes to comments that you have posted in that blog.
If they are still a blog then I would hazard a guess that a user account that has previously liked your comment has been deleted and all their likes along with it.
Looks like the recent revokes are associated with the essentials quizzes.
If old blogs are converted to forums, then you will tend to lose points for any likes to comments that you have posted in that blog.
Though I haven't done this recently (not after the mass accidental notification before!)
Looks like the recent revokes are associated with the essentials quizzes
Last 4 revokes for me were:
Last 4 revokes for me were:
Hi kmikemoo,
This is a side effect of when a user account is removed from the Community.
Some members register for the community and 'like' a great deal of content (and contribute little else), and they are either identified as spam accounts or request their accounts be deleted.
When their account is deleted, all of their actions are revoked. In this case, their actions involved "liking" content, and they liked a lot of comments.
This is core Verint functionality.